Canadian eh?
I can't believe we're back. It feels so foreign. Both of us are experiencing a bit of culture shock, but I think I'm feeling it more then Paul. The worst Paul has had was remembering to drive on the right side of the road yesterday! I'm having trouble adjusting to the weather, the food, the people... everything it seems.
We arrived at 2pm in the afternoon on Friday after a very smooth, but very long group of flights. As we landed in Toronto I started to cry. It was a good cry, the kind you laugh with. It was in that moment that our trip came to its official end. It was such an amazing experience - like nothing either of us has done before - that it's end was harder then I expected.
We visited with both families on Sunday. The Findlays and my grandparents came over to my parents house and we finally satisfied our craving for pizza (although both of us could only eat 2 slices). It was great to see everyone and even more fun to give everyone the gifts we got in Thailand. It looks like everyone was really happy with what they got. Sweet!
Paul and I have decided that our next adventure will be teaching English overseas. We are thinking Korea, but we are not ruling out Japan at this point. We still have research to do and money to save before we can apply. Luckily a friend of ours (that's you John) knows someone who is teaching in Korea right now and we have been able to pick his brain via e-mail. The next big decision is whether or not we should both take our TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) certificate. It is not a requirement, but an asset so we'll let you know.
So as for work, all we really need is to find some work that will help with the bills and a bit of savings before we leave. I applied to my first job yesterday - an admin position with an optical company in Ajax. He must be desperate to find someone because I also had my first interview yesterday. Although I must admit it wasn't really much of an interview. He wasn't very prepared and he didn't have too many questions for me really. He said that he really just wanted to meet me. We'll see how it turns out. I should know by the end of the week, but I'm not holding my breath. It was my first resume and my first interview :)
Paul and I are just about to hit the job search now. We're going to keep updating our blog to let you all know what we're up to. Later.